Licenses and certificates


„Item Consult” Ltd is notified by the European Commission with identification number 1837 for conformity assessment of products as follows:

1. Regulation /EU/305/2011 – “Conformity Assessment Construction products”

  • EN 12809:2001 - Residential independent boilers fired by solid fuel – Nominal heat output up to 50 kW – Requirements and test methods.
  • EN 12815:-  Residential cookers fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods.
  • EN 13229:2006 – Inset appliances including open fires by solid fuels. Requirements and test methods.
  • EN 13240:2006 - Roomheaters fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods.
  • EN 14785:2006 - Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets – Requirements and test methods.
  • EN 15250:2006 – Slow heat release appliances fired by solid fuel- Requirements and test methods

2. Directive 2014/29/EU – ” Conformity Assessment Simple pressure vessels”

  • EU-type examination (Module B)
  • Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (Module C1)
  • Conformity to type based on internal production control (Module C)
  • Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals (Module C2)

3.Directive 2014/68/EU –  ” Conformity Assessment  Pressure equipment”

  • Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals - Module C2
  • Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process -Module D
  • Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification
  • EU-Type examination – production type
  • Conformity based on unit verification EU-Type examination – design type
  • Internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals
  • Conformity based on full quality assurance
  • Approval of permanent joining personnel
  • Approval of permanent joining procedures

4.Regulation /EU/ 2016/426-   ” Conformity Assessment  Appliances burning gaseous fuels”

  • EU-Type Examination – Production type - Module B
  • Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals -Module C2
  • Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process - Module D
  • Conformity to type based on product verification - Module F
  • Conformity based on unit verification - Module G

5.Directive 2009/125/ EO –   ” Conformity Assessment Setting of  ecodesign requirements for energy-related products”

Hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels , nominal heat output from 4 kW to 400 kW
Oil and gas fired heating appliances up to 400 Kw

  • Conformity to type - Module C
  • EC type-examination - Module B

6.Llicense issued by the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision No 226/20.04.2006  for technical supervision of facilities with increased danger:

  • Steam boilers operating at an overpressure of 0,05 MPa;
  • Hot water boilers operating at a temperature of heated water up to 110oC;
  • Vessels for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases, vapors or liquids in which the vapor pressure at the maximum permissible temperature is greater than 0,05 MPa above normal atmospheric pressure;
  • Stationary-mounted metal vessels for Group 2 fluids, operating at an overpressure of 1.6 MPa and a vessel wall temperature of up to 200oC, of which the product of the volume in liters and the pressure in megapascals is greater than 100 but not exceeding 4000;
  • Metal vessels in the voltage distribution systems in power plants and substations, of which the product of the volume in liters and the pressure in megapascals is greater than 100;
  • Metal stationary vessels intended for the storage of Group 2 fluids, which are under pressure periodically during their emptying;
  • Columns for gas separation at a temperature lower than -130 oC, as well as the devices directly connected to them – heat exchangers of separation columns, condensers – evaporators, evaporating vessels, absorbers, filters, etc. of which the product of the volume in liters and the pressure in megapascals is greater than 100;
  • Refrigeration containers of which the product of the volume in liters and the pressure in megapascals is greater than 100;
  • Stationary-mounted vessels, of which the product of the volume in liters and the pressure in megapascals is greater than 100, designed for gas supply to gas installations;
  • Stationary-mounted bottles for storage of of liquefied, compressed or dissolved under pressure gases;
  • Metal pipelines for the transport of water vapor with a pressure above 0.6 MPa and hot water with a temperature above 110 oC, of which the product of the max permitted pressure in megapascals and the nominal diameter in milimeters is greater than 100;
  • Pipelines with a temperature of the transported medium over 110 oC to 250 oC or with a pressure over 0.6 MPa up to 1.6 MPa inclusive;
  • Pipelines with a temperature of the transported medium over 250 oC to 350 oC or with a pressure over  1.6 MPa up to 4.0 MPa inclusive;
  • Pipelines with a temperature of the transported medium over 350 oC to 450 oC or with a pressure over 4.0 MPa up to 8.0 MPa inclusive;
  • Equipment, installations and pipelines intended for supply of liquefied hydrocarbon gas to installations and gas appliances in administrative, residential and public buildings and sites;
  • Gas pipelines, gas installations, gas control points, combustion systems, bottle installations, gas appliances and other gas equipment in administrative, residential and public buildings and sites;
  • Gas distribution pipelines of the natural gas distribution companies and their facilities;
  • Automotive gas systems for compressed natural gas or liquefied hydrocarbon gas;
  • Acetylene stationary generators with an operating pressure greater than 0.05 MPa, of which the product of the pressure in megapascals and the volume in cubic decimeters is not greater than 30;
  • Acetylene generators with operating pressure less than 0.05 Mpa;
  • Bottle feeding systems for acetylene;
  • Metal pipelines for acetylene from stations, generators or bottle feeding installations.

7. Llicense issued by the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision No 392/28.06.2007  for technical supervision of facilities with increased danger:

  • Stationary-mounted metal vessels for Group 2 fluids, operating at an overpressure of 1.6 MPa and a vessel wall temperature of up to 200oC, of which the product of the volume in liters and the max permitted pressure in megapascals does not exceed 4000;
  • Stationary-mounted metal vessels working with group 1 fluids at overpressure till 1.6 Mpa and a vessel wall temperature of up to 200oC, of which the product of the volume in liters and the max permitted pressure in megapascals does not exceed 50;
  •  Vessels in the voltage distribution systems in power plants and substations;
  • transportable pressure equipment intended for the transport of substances in Class 2 by ADR or RID, excluding tank-trucks and rail-tank, intended for the transport of substances in Class 2 by ADR or RID;
  • Vessels intended for the storage of Group 2 fluids, which are under pressure periodically during their emptying;
  • Columns for gas separation at a temperature lower than -130 oC, as well as the devices directly connected to them – heat exchangers of separation columns, condensers – evaporators, evaporating vessels, absorbers, filters, etc.;
  • Refrigeration containers;
  • Stationary-mounted vessels for liquified hydrocarbon gas intended for gas supply to gas equipment and installations and pipelines, designed for delivering of liquified hydrocarbon gas to instalations and gas appliances in administrative, residential and public buildings and sites;
  •  Stationary-mounted bottles for storage of of liquefied, compressed or dissolved under pressure gases;
  • Pipelines with an outer diameter of 76 mm or more and a transport medium temperature above 115 oC to 250oC or with a pressure above 0.7 MPa to 1.6 MPa inclusive;
  • Pipelines with an outer diameter of 76 mm or more and a transport medium temperature above 250 oC to 350oC or with a pressure above 1.6 MPa to 4.0 MPa inclusive;
  • Pipelines with an outer diameter of 76 mm or more and a transport medium temperature above 350 oC to 450oC or with a pressure above 4.0 MPa to 8.0 MPa inclusive.

8. Llicense issued by the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision No 504/02.04.2008  for technical supervision of facilities with increased danger:

  • Gas distribution pipelines of the natural gas distribution companies and their facilities.
  1. Certificate that „Item Consult” Ltd is entered in the Register of SAMTS of persons engaged in maintenance, repair and reconstruction of high risk facilities, with registration №С053, as a person who performs “Maintenance, repair and reconstruction of industrial gas installations, buildings gas installations and gas appliances for natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases “