In 2001″ITEM Consult” Ltd has been founded as a subsidiary of “ITEM Engineering” JSC. The principal activities of the company include:
- Marketing researches, testing of heating equipment and pressure vessels
- Technical supervision of dangerous equipment
- Certification of products
- Conformity assessment of gas appliances and equipment below them
- Mediation
- Commission activities
“ITEM Consult” is a notified body for conformity assessment of products with the essential requirements for gas appliances Regulations / Directive 90/396 / EEC / pressure vessels / Directive 87/404 / EEC / pressure equipment and / Directive 97/23 / EC / hot water boilers – Directive 92/42 / EC with identification number of SAMTS – Department “Permissions for conformity assessment” 1837
The structure of “ITEM Consult” includes Testing Laboratory for heating and certification tests accredited to ISO 17025: 2006
The structure of “ITEM Consult” includes an unit for technical supervision of dangerous equipment. The unit is licensed by SAMTS to carry out technical supervision of:
- Steam boilers operating at over pressure up to 0.05 MPa
- Hot water boilers operating at a temperature of water heated to 110 ° C
- Containers for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases under pressure, vapors or liquids whose vapor pressure at the maximum allowable temperature is greater than 0.05 bar above normal atmospheric pressure
- Stationary mounted metal containers for fluids in Group 2 operating at pressure of 1.6 MPa and temperature of the bowl up to 200 ° C at which the multiplication of the volume in liters and pressure in bar is greater than the number 100 but does not exceed the number 4000
- Metal vessels in the voltage distribution system in power plants and substations, of which the multiplication of the volume in liters and pressure in bar is greater than the number 100
- Stationary metal containers designed to contain fluids in Group 2, which are under pressure in their periodic emptying
- Columns for separation of gases at a temperature below – 130 ° C, and the apparatuses directly connected to them – of a separating heat exchanger columns, condensers – evaporators, evaporating vessels, absorbers, filters, etc.. Which the product of volume in liters and pressure in bar is greater than the number 100
- Containers for refrigeration systems, on which multiplication of the volume in liters and pressure in bar is greater than the number 100
- Steady-mounted vessels, on which the multiplication of volume in liters and pressure in bar is greater than the number 100 for the gas supply to the gas equipment and installations
- Stationary mounted bottles for storage of liquefied, compressed or dissolved gases
- Pipeline for transportation of steam at a pressure above 0.6 MPa and hot water at a temperature above 110 ° C, in which the multiplication of the maximum allowable pressure in bar and the nominal diameter in mm is greater than the number 100
- Pipelines with temperature of the transported environment over 110 ° C to 250 ° C and a pressure of over 0.6 MPa to 1.6 MPa including
- Pipelines with temperature of the transported environment of 250 ° C to 350 ° C and a pressure of over 1.6 MPa to 4.0 MPa including
- Pipelines with temperature of the transported environment of over 350 ° C to 450 ° C and a pressure of 4.0 MPa to over 8.0 MPa including
- Facilities, installations and pipelines for supply of liquefied petroleum gas of installations, gas installations and appliances in commercial, residential and public buildings and facilities
- Pipelines, gas instalations, gas regulation stations, fuel systems, bottle installations, gas appliances and other gas facilities in commercial, residential and public buildings and facilities
- Distribution lines to the distribution companies for natural gas and related facilities
- LPG systems for compressed natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas
- Acetylene stationary generators with operating pressures higher than 0.05 MPa, in which the multiplication of the pressure in bar, and the volume in cubic diameters is not greater than the number 30,
- Acetylene generators with operating pressures less than 0.05 MPa
- Bottle feeding systems for acetylene
- Metal pipes for acetylene stations, generators or bottle feeding systems